Saturday, July 21, 2012


紅到爆炸的金泰是台北所有朋友推薦是海鮮飯的首選, 但不知道為什麼就一直沒有機會....

終於到了MBA 畢業的以後才有機會好好享受這夢幻的 海鮮飯~~~ :)

但大概是最近日本海嘯跟通膨的影響, 好吃又廉價的名聲我在看到菜單以後就嚇了一跳~

460 的價錢跟碗公的大小, 恩....心裡不停的盤算著, 不會吧, 用什麼幣算都還好阿....

最近跑了很多地方, 看到很多價位, 但460在香港,北美,甚至歐洲, 都沒有到很便宜ㄟ....


因為沒有超級餓, 也就只點了海鮮飯跟魚肚蔥蓋飯 .....~~~



大碗的味增魚湯 (不是在蓋飯裡要60 ㄟ....interesting...)  味道有點海產店~



 300 NT 料是非常實在 大把大把的蔥花.....加上旗魚跟鮪魚的肚楠肉....

有點嚇到, 這蔥也...太大快了...這魚也太.....沒有絞過的感覺一塊一塊的,,

蔥是蔥, 魚是魚....完全沒辦法融合..... 我不知道醬油有加在裡面了看著
乾乾的蔥跟魚味口有一點卡住, 跑去跟服務生要醬油, 他一臉訝異說醬油在裡面囉,

一大口挖下去, 享受一下...ㄟ...醬油咧? 恩....難道是我吃太鹹....飯怎麼都沒有醬油只有
上面薄薄一層, 好吧.....也許我香港住了八個月吃醬油吃太多了???? 

轉過頭看看海鮮飯的近況, 可愛的蛋加上各是各樣的海鮮....恩~~~  看起來還不錯!

干貝, 鮭魚蛋, 可圈可點....非常新鮮!!  但生魚的鮮度跟質量也達到一定的水準!~

重點來了....一看飯的顏色看醬油的深度, ㄟ.....滿多醬油的阿! 而且都是每一粒都剛好可以
被醬油稍稍染到~ 再看看我的蔥魚肚飯...怎麼都白的!

不是我的錯吧....這樣飯跟魚都和不起來, 馬上又在去跟他門要了醬油,
這個服務生更誇張, 看到我們吃一半了還是跟我們講了裡面有醬油, 不需要醬油了,
我說這飯真的很乾, 沒有醬油, 態度完全沒有改變...一樣覺得我瘋了....真想把兩碗完全


金泰的新鮮度真的是不錯, 但是自以為品管做到百分百的話請再考慮一下....

Worth the drive? 住的近的話還可以, 但大老遠跑去就不必了.
Food: 20/30Ambience: 17/30
Service: 14/30
Price: $20 +

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Brasa Brazilian Steakhouse @ Hilton Niagara Fall. (Road Trip Day 8 + 1, Dancing the Victory Dance)


Lured by the promotional falls view package by Hilton at Niagara Fall which include 40 dollar Dining Credit at Brasa and Breakfast Buffet for 2 and a falls view two bed room suite.  We decided to stay here for the final destination of the 8 day cross North America road trip.  As we checked in, I see a promotional poster about all you can eat at Brasa for only 39.95 and I have a bad feeling.


As my friend filled up with Ben&Jerry, I am starved to death as we checked in at around 7:30.  We quickly waltzed into the restaurant at end of the Hilton tower and thinking we could just order 1 or 2 dishes with the 40 dollar dining credit.  After all we don’t have big appetite.  As we arrived, we quickly realized that all you can eat is the only option and we need to throw in yet another 40 dollar for this meal.


If both of us are really hungry, then it probably is ok. The 40 dollar is quite standard at the most touristy place on earth.  But my dear friend was completed wasted by the Ben&Jerry ice cream. Oh well, we gotta eat. The restaurant is very spacious. There is huge walk room everywhere in the restaurant.  The table are widely separate so it is quite a nice setting to carry out your conversation.


The meal consisted of the salad bar w/ some hot features as well as endless of meat on the sword. If you are familiar with the Brazilian steakhouse.  The red coaster on the table give the waiter the signal to come toward you with huge stack of meat on their long sword.


The salad bar actually has some really excellent grilled vegetables as well as Salmon and rice dish.  There are abundances of greens that are quite fresh.


In the past, I often avoid Brazilian steakhouse because they are usually overcook. But this place does their meat quite well. Nice and tender and pink in the inside for all their beef dishes.  Parmesan chicken, rib eye, tenderloin, it’s all pretty good. 


We waited for bacon chicken wrap all night and it turns out to be the disappointment of the night. The chicken is super dry and the bacon is overcooked. Shouldn’t the fat from the bacon protect the chicken from being too dry? 


The only view of the restaurant. So Brasa doesn’t offer any view but I meant there is falls view right at your room!

I enjoyed eating here but if I have to spit out 80 dollar plus tax + tip for two people. I am definitely passing next time. I love meat but I can’t handle too much to make it worth it. For those of you that are champion carnivore. This is a great place for you!

Worth the drive?
Food: 20/30
Ambience: 20/30
Service: 23/30
Price: $50 +

Brasa Brazilian Steakhouse on Urbanspoon

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