Tuesday, August 17, 2010

路過 PEI ~ 短暫的 Prince Edward Island 之行 (Part B)

By Rachel & Richard L. (Aug 16, 2010)

Charlottetown is the capital city of Prince Edward Island. Although it is the largest city and provincial capital of PEI, to us Torontonian it’s really just a charming small town. Queen Street which is located in the downtown core offers lots of variety restaurants and specialty shops.

話說開車進入 Charlottetown 我的第一個感覺就是, 怎麼滿街的big chain retail stores 像是麥當勞, Shoppers Drug Mart, 或是 KFC 之類的, 數量多到很誇張, PEI 可能是因為觀光的關係, 是一個很商業化的地方, 後來一直到市中心, 才開始有歷史小鎮的感覺 !

I’ve always wanted to visit PEI since childhood because of Anne. The TV movie by Megan Follows was a such a popular phenomenon that it attracted people from all over the world to visit PEI. I remember the days when I used to watch the shows with my mom and sister. We were addicted to it, and we always vowed that one day we shall visit PEI to see this amazing place!

Since we didn’t have time to visit the actual Anne of Green Gables site, I had to make do of shopping at the store which has cute little Anne on their sign. This chocolate shop is obviously designed to attract tourist; the actual chocolate was not that impressive. I bought a small bag of potato chips dipped in milk chocolate thinking it’s such a novelty… what a mistake. It melted all over the car by that afternoon.


Anne of Green Gables 巧克力店, 旁邊是紅髮安妮的專賣店, 裡面觀光客非常的多

Then we visited the famous COWS Ice cream, voted the world’s best ice cream by people all over the world. Its ice cream contains highest butterfat in the world thus making the ice cream extremely thick and creamy.
PEI 的 Cow’s Ice Cream, 號稱全加拿大最好吃的冰淇淋, 據說他們的冰淇淋有最高含量的 butterfat, 所以特別的好吃, 濃濃的奶香配上綿密的口感, 超讚的啦!!!


Charlottetown’s beautiful and quaint harbour front

Local Art Shop

Exploring the historic architecture.
I can imagine the streets once were filled with horse drawn buggies and ladies and gentlemen in their traditional clothing.


Finally, we visited Victoria Park harbour front boardwalk

And now off to Cape Breton Island!

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