Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Simply Thai- Too Simple?


A cafeteria style restaurant situated at the end of Hamilton street in Yaletown. This restaurant is highly rated in Zagat service but yet there isn’t anything too extraordinary about it.


However, I am not saying this is a bad restaurant but you just need to have the right expectation. The BBQ duck is exactly what you expected. Tasty and lots of flavors with lots of bamboo shoots to bring out the sweetness. A very decent dish with the coconut rice.


Pad Thai on the other hand is a little disappointing. Mildly seasoned, and doesn’t have the zing you expected Pad Thai normally have.

The price are fairly decent except for the coconut rice. Come on, 8 dollars for a big bowl of rice? The service was also a little sloppy. Two servers for the whole restaurant with 6 tables of customers, We have to waited for a least 15 mins before order or even a glass of water.

Overall it is actually a good place to dine if you are longing for Thai and if you are in the area.

Worth the drive? No
Food 21/30
Service 18/30
Decoration 20/30

1211 Hamilton Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 6K3, Canada
(604) 642-0123


Simply Thai on Urbanspoon

Sunday, October 17, 2010

La Belle Auberge – Ladner (SW Delta)


La Belle Auberge 位於一個Ladner小鎮中South West of Delta, 在BC各大Food
Network享譽最高的評價. Zagat Review 更給予 BC 省最頂級的法國餐廳的名譽. 趁


Ladner 這個community 說實在不太有名, 我聽了不下數十次我還是以為他是在維多
利亞島上的城市, 但赫然發現他只是在不遠的Delta. 那當然是時候去試試BC 第一的
餐廳囉. 小小城鎮人口不到兩萬人, 餐聽就位於小鎮中心邊圍的一個住宅裡面. 其貌
不揚的白色小屋, 卻也是另一番風味..


踏入餐廳裡面, Greeter & guitarist 在玄關靜待著歡迎客人, 房子的擺設是非常古典的
Victorian Style Furniture, 有去過Hart House 的食客可以想像一下類似的陳設. Diner
在一間間的房間內用餐, 感覺在朋友家做客, 非常的溫暖…

這家餐廳的菜色並不多, 主打一套 8 course 的 Set Menu ($95). 以及不到20 種的單
點主菜前菜的搭配. 值得一提的是, 這餐廳的藏酒倒是不可小覷, 久遠年份的rare
collection 倒是不少. 但荷包有限, 還是別想吧…


French Cuisine 的慣例, 第一道是招待的Welcome Dish 是 Chicken Liver Parfait with
Cranberry Jelly, Meatball and Organic Gem tomato. Chicken Liver 的口感非常驚艷, 簡
直就是巧克力蛋糕 =). 甜中帶鹹讓人胃口大開.


第二道其貌不揚的凱薩莎拉也是非常的好吃. 清脆的羅馬生菜, 搭配濃郁的凱薩醬,

DSC_0552第三道 Lemongrass Sauté Prawn 使用超大的新鮮蝦子, 搭配著奶油與Lemongrass 的
香氣, 非常對味. 但味道有一點大眾, 不能說是獨門感受.


第四道 Braised Short Rib 搭配Potato Foam 裝飾著 Potato Confit (炸薯餅) 口味絕佳.
濃濃的醬汁搭配著紅蘿菠與青豆, 配著牛小排的香味非常的開胃. (說一句沒有氣質
的感想, 這根本是牛肉燴飯的絕佳配醬, 來一熱騰騰的白飯搭配, 我就滿足了.)


再吃完前菜以後, 服務生端來了 Sorbet 跟 White Chocolate Explosion. 在享受主菜前
享用 清爽的 Sorbet 重新整頓味虆是非常開心的. 甜甜冰冰的 Sorbet 不知道怎麼形容
, 但是真的超好吃的. 但這白色巧克力真的如他的名稱一樣, 帶給口感的震撼. 服務生
交代要一口放入口中, Close your lip. 照著他的指示, 關起來麼嘴唇… BOOM 巧克力
求頓然爆裂, 冰涼的餡頓然爆炸. 有點minty 的冰沙完美的去除了之前的所有食物的
沉重, 胃口重新出發

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主菜烤羊架跟Veal Escalope 都非常可口. Morel Mushroom sauce 搭配著香嫩的Veal
肉香, 羊肉也是cook to perfection. 但肉質上感覺稍微嫌硬, 份量卻是超乎想像的足夠
單價平均的, 搭配多種的蔬菜, 讓主菜本身就非常的balance.

The whole experience with La Belle Auberge is just wonderful. This is a definitely must
go for any one who love dining out.

Worth the drive? Yes
Food 27/30
Service 24/30
Decoration 23/30

La Belle Auberge on Urbanspoon


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Friday, October 15, 2010

Lunch at the Lemongrass, Bayview Ave.

Visited on Sep. 2010

搬到現在住的地方也已經快 2 個月了, 雖然說大部分的時間都自己在家專研廚藝, (其實是想省錢..xD), 但是每天煮有時候也挺麻煩的, 於是開始嘗試在 Bayview / Eglinton 附近的 Asian fusion 餐廳, 今天要介紹的是在 Toronto 有四家連鎖的 Lemongrass restaurant, 餐廳本身主打亞洲越南泰國美食, 跟 Spring Roll 是同一個路線


很 typical 的 Asian Fuision 餐廳的裝潢, 簡約時尚的感覺, 星期六中午用餐時間客人不是很多


Lunch Special, Purple Basil Chicken with daily vegetable soup and spring roll ( around $10) 

鮮嫩的雞肉搭配新鮮的basil, green pepper, 跟一些蔬菜, 口味適中不會太鹹,

新鮮的蔬菜讓整道菜增色不少, 清爽的口感有別於一般口味過重的 Asian fusion dish


越式 mix vegetable 湯麵, 湯頭一般但是同樣極為新鮮的蔬菜讓湯麵口味增色許多, 份量很夠 (around $7.50)


兩個人一餐加起來大約 20 出頭, 我個人覺得比 Spring Roll 好吃一些, 菜色選擇很多, 用料新鮮, 算是一家很不錯的選擇 for quick lunch or take out.

Food: 21/30
裝潢:  22/30
價位:  $9~ $15 for lunch

Crazy Carats by Fendi


It seems like watch has no longer become a necessity in modern people’s life. I remember there is a time that every one would have a watch on their wrist. BUT now we are talking, a dedicated crown to adjust the index of the gems on your watch.   You could have choices of 3 gems choosing from Diamonds, Rubies, and Sapphire. (etc…). The Patented technology by Fendi making this watch so Fun to own. I guess we are all kid after all, switch between Gems is like magic.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Provence Mediterranean Grill

Visited 03/12/2010
今天我媽生日, 在這特別家庭日子中, 我帶我媽來到了這間在溫西Provence Mediterranean Grill. 家庭式的Bistro風格, 非常的溫暖親切, 適合今天這個日子從名子可知他們拿手的必然是地中海的菜餚與燒烤. 經營者是ㄧ對夫妻, 都是出色的廚師, 他們一起在法國的不同餐廳擦肩而過, 一起共事, 而最中擦出了浪漫. 這對夫妻最後到達了溫哥華, 並創造了Provence Mediterranean 的企劃. 如今和Provence Marinaside 一起總共有兩家分店.
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今天的featured soup 是番茄濃湯, 廚師利用不同的番茄甜味作出了這道番茄湯. 最後灑上歐芹與橄欖油點香, 可以說是非常的成功的作出了這道番茄濃湯. 餐前面包總共有三總風味, 已橄欖扮油的配醬非常的香醇. 濃濃的橄欖香味, 卻又沒有普通人害怕的橄欖嗆味, 達到成功的開胃效果.
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因為要減肥, 所以我門菜點的並不是很多. 主菜是Crab shrimp cakes 和烤羊排. Crab cake 非常的入味, 濃濃的大海風味, 螃蟹與蝦的口味融合在一起. 每一口都是享受. 烤羊排可以說是地中海菜色裡的重頭菜, 從照片裡就可以看到, 烤得非常的出色. 羊肉稍微微的帶點粉紅, 這可以說是烤羊排的最高境界. 一份烤羊排總共是四隻, 兩個人share他們也很貼心的擺成兩份的盤. 配菜蘆筍非常的出色, 外國人的青菜不是水煮就是直接蒸, 不是特別善於調味. 尤其是蘆筍, 他們常常不會刮絲, 所以吃起來就會比較老. 但這次的蘆筍非常的鮮嫩. 撒上一點海鹽配著羊肉的醬汁. 非常的爽口. 馬林薯泥, 也是ㄧ決, 綿綿的薯泥, 帶著純的奶香, 搭配著肉汁, 真的是讓人停不下來. 主菜羊肉, 不知道是我有一點期待太高還是跟我想像得不太一樣. 除了完美的烤肉烹調, 個人是覺得沒有太大的特色, 因為他網站的照片羊肉被厚厚的herb spicies 包住, 我期待他有更特殊地中海風味…
吃到這裡肚子已經滿了, 他的點心Menu看起來非常的美味, 下次一定要來補吃一下.
Provence Mediterranean Grill 是ㄧ家非常好的家庭 Bistro, 價位也不算高, 但地點有一點偏遠, 要專程跑一趟可能並不是那麼方便. 但有機會大家一定要品嘗一下Jean Francis and Alessandra Quaglia 愛情的果實!
Worth the drive? Yes
Food: 24/30
裝潢: 23/30
價位: $20~$50

Provence Mediterranean Grill on Urbanspoon

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Flying Tiger



Flying tiger, a tucked away lounge locates at the west side of Vancouver on 4th hidden under the obscure awning.  The theme here is Asian delicacies.  You often hear the word delicacies these days in trendy fusion restaurants and everywhere in the foodie’s forum. But essentially they are awesome street food that you get when you traveling to those countries.


The menu isn’t particularly big but the food is top notch. From Indian to Thai to Chinese, Chef Tina Fineza successfully capture the essence of Asian Street food, from Curry to Fry noodle everything is absolutely delicious.  After 2 hours of golf as you can see we practically ordered everything. =)


The first dish Toro tuna tataki is wonderfully refreshing, the excess Toro oil is blended with sour vinegar Japanese sauce making a explosive combination for a starter. (I wouldn’t called this street food though, the use of Toro is too deluxe to be called street food, but this appetizer is very trendy in all fusion restaurant, especially on the west coast, hack even the Cactus has it)


Next the Roti Canai, fried Malaysian dishes with yellow curry. The curry is so flavorful that you can probably feast on it for 2 or 3 bowls of rice. Though the bread I thought could have a bit more layers to give it a more crunchy feeling. 


(Papaya Salad)


Another highlight is the Panang Curry, I would probably rank it one of the best Thai curry in town, next to Maenam which is also on 4th ave. Chef Tina Fineza is truly the master of the flavours. The curry is filled with fruity sensations yet the taste is not too overwhelming. The paired thai jasmine rice wrapped in bamboo leaf is cooked to perfection. 


The Hawker street food is another dish that brings my taste to attention, I am not sure where this Hawker is but it taste 90% like the common Taiwanese Seafood restaurant’s fry noodle. If you are from Taiwan then you know exactly what I am talking about. Though paying 15 dollars for something you could probably get easily 5 bucks from home is a bit unbalance to your wallet but knowing the good flavors is spreading among the Vancouver-ian is a nice feeling. (Though I would feel a lot better if it is called Taiwan Street noodle)


Sweet sticky rice is another flavorful dessert you see commonly in Asia. I can assure you that you will feel this one particular interesting.

To sum up, despite there are millions of Asian fusion restaurant, Flying tiger is one that truly delivers the spirit of Asian food in wonderful representation.


Worth the drive? Yes

Food 25/30
Decor 23/30
Service 20/30
Price 30~50

Flying Tiger on Urbanspoon

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

路過 PEI ~ 短暫的 Prince Edward Island 之行 (Part B)

By Rachel & Richard L. (Aug 16, 2010)

Charlottetown is the capital city of Prince Edward Island. Although it is the largest city and provincial capital of PEI, to us Torontonian it’s really just a charming small town. Queen Street which is located in the downtown core offers lots of variety restaurants and specialty shops.

話說開車進入 Charlottetown 我的第一個感覺就是, 怎麼滿街的big chain retail stores 像是麥當勞, Shoppers Drug Mart, 或是 KFC 之類的, 數量多到很誇張, PEI 可能是因為觀光的關係, 是一個很商業化的地方, 後來一直到市中心, 才開始有歷史小鎮的感覺 !

I’ve always wanted to visit PEI since childhood because of Anne. The TV movie by Megan Follows was a such a popular phenomenon that it attracted people from all over the world to visit PEI. I remember the days when I used to watch the shows with my mom and sister. We were addicted to it, and we always vowed that one day we shall visit PEI to see this amazing place!

Since we didn’t have time to visit the actual Anne of Green Gables site, I had to make do of shopping at the store which has cute little Anne on their sign. This chocolate shop is obviously designed to attract tourist; the actual chocolate was not that impressive. I bought a small bag of potato chips dipped in milk chocolate thinking it’s such a novelty… what a mistake. It melted all over the car by that afternoon.


Anne of Green Gables 巧克力店, 旁邊是紅髮安妮的專賣店, 裡面觀光客非常的多

Then we visited the famous COWS Ice cream, voted the world’s best ice cream by people all over the world. Its ice cream contains highest butterfat in the world thus making the ice cream extremely thick and creamy.
PEI 的 Cow’s Ice Cream, 號稱全加拿大最好吃的冰淇淋, 據說他們的冰淇淋有最高含量的 butterfat, 所以特別的好吃, 濃濃的奶香配上綿密的口感, 超讚的啦!!!


Charlottetown’s beautiful and quaint harbour front

Local Art Shop

Exploring the historic architecture.
I can imagine the streets once were filled with horse drawn buggies and ladies and gentlemen in their traditional clothing.


Finally, we visited Victoria Park harbour front boardwalk

And now off to Cape Breton Island!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Shiro’s Sushi – Best Sushi Bar in Town

Visited 2009~2010


溫哥華最大的特色之一, 就是Sushi Bar 幾乎是處處可見, 可以說是 there is a Sushi joint in every block. 各家有各家的推崇者, 但是, 要講到Best Value, Shiro’s 應該可以輕易奪冠. 位於Cambie St, 在一個非常不起眼的 Business Square 裡面藏匿著這一家名聲響亮的Sushi Bar, 說真的不管你從他外面經過多少次, 你應該不會相信這是一家好吃的餐廳, 簡陋的招牌搭配著有點Cheesy 的日式外牆, 實在很難勾起路人的興趣. 但也是在這裡, 藏匿了溫哥華最好吃的平價壽司料理.
踏入簡單的門聯以後, 感官會稍微的好轉, 簡單的壽司吧檯, 整潔又清爽~ 但就裝潢來說, 也不足已顯現出它的魅力~

但當壽司端上桌以後, 就可以探出美味的倪端了, 這家的最主要特色有其二, 鮭魚一律採用野生鮭魚, 肉色特別的紅潤, 口感也比較有彈性, 可惜的是, BC 的字樣不知何時被悄悄的劃掉了, 畢竟是小店, 我想由於現在 BC 鮭魚的上揚, 店家也不得不採納Atalantic 的野生鮭魚了. 第二個特色, 在溫哥華目前平價的店面裡面真的還看不到, 這特色就是它的芥末. 它的芥末試新鮮芥末根磨成的, 口感截然不同, 香味也非常的有特色, 比起市面上現成的芥末, 甚至染色的Horseradish 香氣可以說是天壤之別.
在此我也吃到了最好吃的鮪魚Nigiri. 油多刀工佳, 入口即話, 說真的第一次我倒這家店的時候還沒有這麼震撼, 原來第一次主廚並沒有坐鎮, 火侯還真的是有所差別的~ (大家不妨注意一下今天師傅在不在=p)
這裡的加州捲也非常直得推薦, 大家不妨點使用真正蟹肉的加州捲, 每一口都是真正大海的甜味~ 小小的一家店, 菜色卻是相當的豐富, 除了生魚, 炭烤及熟食也是非常的不錯. 服務態度也是非常的好. 點壽司時還會貼心的問你內有Wasabi ok 不ok.
此後我一直嘗試要找到比這裡更Best Value 更好吃的壽司店, 現今還未成功, 已經快要放棄了~ 畢竟溫哥華壽司店實在太多了~
Worth the Drive? Yes
Food: 26
Decor: 18
Price: 15~35

P.S. 某一日我又光顧了這家店, 點了簡單的鮭魚鮪魚丼, 當端上來的時候, 我有一點嚇到. $10.5 的丼有必要搭配如此的刀工嗎? 不知是剛好在傳授功夫還是師傅心情好? 還是七夕前夕? 

Shiro on Urbanspoon