Thursday, July 1, 2010

Canter's Delicatessen @ Treasure Island

Visited 2007~6/29/2010
For some reason I always end up here in every Vegas trip. It could be because I always try to take advantage of the open bar at the latest Christian Audigier night club in Treasure Island. (well it is opened at least 2 year) The night club is always looking for crowds to fill the space. The girls always end up having free champagne or open bar with no entrance fee, making TI a great pre drink spot.
Canter’s is a landmark in LA since 1931, its deli is consistently good. Mountain stacked of thick sliced, tender, and savory deli meat with its amazing mustard sauce would definitely satisfy your craving for meat! I recommended the Viva Las Vegas sandwich, which is packed with pastrami and corned beef with Swiss Cheese and coleslaw. The combination is unbeatable.
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Canter’s is definitely one of my favorite sandwich shop just next to Schwartz's in Montreal, ON. This is a great spot for breakfast or late night! This time I was there I noticed they open another store right beside the poker room in Mandalay bay.
Food: 21/30
Interior: 20/30
Price: $20

Don’t over order. Once I had take out 2 combos and the take out bag literally feel like at least 5 KG.
The turkey sandwich isn’t as extraordinary. Go for the Red Meat!

中文介紹 By Richard L

Canter's Deli 在美國是一個相當有知名度的餐廳, 本店位於 LA 市中心從1931年開幕到現在已經超過70年, 如果想要體驗一下傳統的美式三明治, 來 Las Vegas 一定不能錯過位於 Treasure Island 內的 Canter's Deli.
Canter's 的價位以一般三明治來說, 其實有點偏貴, 一餐下來含飲料大約 15~20 USD. 不過份量絕對是非常的十足, 不過重點當然是他的美味. 如果你是紅肉的熱愛者, 千萬不能錯過他的Viva Las Vegas Sandwich (以pastrami and corned beef為主), 當然除了牛肉以外, 你想得到的肉類三明治都可以吃得到, 如上圖的 chicken club (雞胸肉總匯)也是相當好的選擇, 除了三明治以外, 隨餐附送的薯條也是很多人的最愛.

如果你逛街逛累了, 想找個地方坐下來聊天休息, 或是想要在看 Mystere Show 之前吃頓輕便的簡餐, Canter's 會是個很棒的選擇 !

Note: (其實 Treasure Island 內其他的餐廳都不怎麼樣, 所以個人強烈建議如果你要來這邊看 Show, 別錯過 Canter's Delicatessen ! )

食物: 21/30 裝潢: 20/30

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